so, Who Is Cactus Girl?

Well, I just showed my sourdough starter to my cat and said ‘this is your brother.’

(Thought you should know what you’re dealing with.)

I have a degree in Communications and a certificate in Social Media Marketing from NYU and I’ve been telling stories verbally & visually since I was 10 years old.

At 22, I was working as a political messaging analyst in DC, where my blog posts were regularly picked up by HuffPost. 

I’m the person in your friend group who captions all the photos, spitting them out faster than Chatty G! 

I’m Meredith, Messaging Expert, Brand Storyteller, and owner of Cactus Girl Media.

I help solo-entrepreneurs turn their story into an Irresistible Buying Message that will have dream clients in your inbox on the reg—forever.

I started my first business at 26. I was crazy enough to move 1400 miles across the country to start my first business in NYC, offering food tasting tours in the ethnic enclaves throughout the city. It was a whole different world back then—Instagram was fringe! business coaches & online courses were not readily available.

I got real lonely sitting in coffee shops and planning epic tours that barely paid my rent. That loneliness drove me into the deceiving arms of a multi-level-marketing commercial cult, where I spent seven incredibly misguided years.

In 2020, I reclaimed my life and turned my story into a powerful marketing message for my photography & copywriting services. I turned to consulting once I reached $10k monthly as a DFY copywriter.

You could say I have a way with words, and yet

The hardest thing I’ve faced as an entrepreneur is figuring out how to talk about my offer and in a clear & compelling way.

I’ve walked the path you’re on. I used to get tongue-tied trying to tell my story and explain what I do. 

Having overcome my own challenges in communication and marketing and knowing it’s not always clear or easy, I’m uniquely positioned to understand the struggle you’re facing now.

I've learned that vulnerability & storytelling are key to connecting with your audience, and I created Learn the Language That Sells to help you harness that power.

What sets my approach apart is my deep understanding of the power of storytelling and its impact on branding and marketing.

We’re not just crafting a message; we’re going to uncover and articulate your unique story, transforming it into a brand that stands out so you stay memorable & top of mind. 

Because storytelling makes sales easier. When your audience connects with your brand's story, they are 55% more likely to buy!

How my cat saved me from from my multi-level-nightmare

But before all that, I was a content creator?

I’m a “Meowmy” to Big Barsik, once known as New York’s fattest cat. Although he’s still a big boy now at 18 lbs, his highest weight before I adopted him was 41 lbs (Read the whole story here.) Since his adoption, Barsik and I have a very special story of our own and it has been one of the great joys of my life to see this sweet big boy thrive.

I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling and I’ve seen from experience the momentum that honing one’s story can inject into an impact-driven business. After spending 7 years with the wool pulled over my eyes in a very cult-like MLM “business” structure, I navigated my own healing and processing through both written and photographic storytelling. Not only did I want to make others aware of the danger of the Network Marketing industry, but I knew my story and experience would connect me with others who could truly see me both because of and despite my experiences.

Those soul-baring stories helped me launch my post-MLM offerings as a copywriter and content creator which quickly helped me leave my full-time job and embrace my dream role as a master storyteller and messaging expert you see today. My stories put the power back into my hands, giving me so many of the things MLM and society as a whole had promised me. The answers were inside of me the whole time.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to help other business owners discover the same for themselves. I’ve helped numerous entrepreneurs double their sales using stories as the catalyst. As a result, they’re more aligned, more free, and more themselves in their business than ever while making the connections, conversions, and revenue they’ve always wanted. 

My other great loves are travel, photography, and fashion. I will NEVER say no to the chance to scope out a cool spot, get dressed to the nines, and document as many moments as possible. After all, anything for a good story, right?